Money should do good for all.
But most investments only focus on returns. For people of faith, this shouldn't be enough. It should be possible to get returns that match—and possibly outperform—the market without sacrificing or compromising their beliefs. And without having to build a model on your own.
Welcome to Bright Portfolios.
We build and manage investment models following biblical principles. Each investment is carefully selected to ensure it creates value and provides a return for investors. Faith-driven investors should be able to get good returns and do good in the world. Your clients get this when you use Bright Portfolios.
Outsource investment management
So you have more time for clients.
Get access to a variety of models
So you have an option for every client.
Align investments with client beliefs
So they stay with you longer.
Built on the goal of good returns.
What do we mean by “good returns”? Good returns on the investments + returns you feel good about.
Here’s how it works
We pick and monitor the funds based on a carefully selected criteria.
You choose the model on your model manager platform.
Rest easy knowing we handle it all while you grow your firm.
Answers to some common questions
“Is it hard to get started?”
We make it easy to start. Just login to your model manager platform, and select the model that best fits your clients. Contact us if you have any questions.
“Is this expensive?”
We don’t like high fees. That’s why we started Bright Portfolios in the first place. You get professionally managed biblical investments at an excellent rate.
“Biblically based means it’s not as good, right?”
Our models match the market and often outperform the market as a whole. It’s as if focusing on doing good is good for business. Of course, past performance is not a guarantee of future results.
What is Biblically Responsible Investing?
Sometimes called Faith-Driven Investing, this investing approach ensures each company creates value in the world, not just extract value for shareholders. This includes evaluating what they sell, what they support, and how they make money.
Through our partners, we work with the following custodians:
If your custodian is not listed or you work with a broker/dealer, contact us to see how we can help.